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How to reduce the difference between the TPE elastomer product and the original color?
Release Date : 2019/5/24 10:29:38  Click Volume : 2849
The color difference in our daily life means the difference in color, that is, the difference between the product and the original color after the product comes out, that is, the depth or shallowness difference. Many users use TPE color matching to produce chromatic aberrations. Next, Xiaobian will take you through the reasons for the detailed analysis of the product color difference.
First, TPE raw material manufacturers or batches are different
Due to different formulations, TPE raw materials produced by different manufacturers; or the same manufacturer, different batches of raw materials, due to unstable process or quality control, may result in different color matching properties, adding the same proportion of toner or masterbatch, possibly There will be a color difference.
Solution: Try to use raw materials from the same supplier and ask the supplier to control the quality of the product.
Second, the toner dispersion is poor
The toner and the main material are not uniformly stirred, and the toner may aggregate when dispersed in the screw, or the mixing system (for example, without the addition of a diffusing agent) is disadvantageous to the dispersion of the toner, thereby causing chromatic aberration.
Solution: Stir well during operation; select surface active toner to reduce agglomeration; add diffusion aid to promote toner dispersion.
Third, the color mother weighing is not accurate
Some products, established ratios, one or two color masterbatches, may cause a large difference in color of the product.
Solution: Weigh the masterbatch strictly and try to mix the masterbatch and main ingredients before cutting.
Fourth, the temperature changes greatly will lead to chromatic aberration
Inorganic toner heavy metals are easily exceeded, and the toner does not contain heavy metals, but the temperature difference is large (over 10 ° C), which easily causes toner degradation.
Solution: Try to control the stability of the molding process temperature.
5. Material degradation and discoloration lead to chromatic aberration
The material stays in the screw for a long time. After closing, the product does not have a washing machine at the next injection.
Solution: Clean the screws before each shutdown.
The above is the introduction of how to reduce the difference between TPE elastomer products and the original color. The processing color difference of TPE products is a common defect in injection molding. It is not uncommon for the injection molding machine to be scrapped in batches due to the difference in color of the matching parts. There are many factors affecting chromatic aberration, involving raw material resin, color masterbatch, color masterbatch and raw material mixing, injection molding process, injection molding machine, mold, etc. Because of the wide range of exposure, color difference control technology is also recognized as one of the hard-to-master technologies in injection molding.
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